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Razpis DUO-Korea 2022

DUO-Korea 2022 is open for applications from April 5 until May 19, 2022, Korea local time.

DUO-Korea Programme, which was established in 2001, is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea with an aim to promote exchanges of people between Korean and European ASEM member countries on a balanced and permanent basis. The program has supported the exchange projects for professors, students, and teachers by 2008, but, since 2009, it is concentrated on supporting the student exchanges. Over the past 21 years, more than
2,020 professors, students, and teachers have been awarded the fellowship.

Under DUO-Korea Programme, European students in European institutions can have financial support for their exchange study in Korea. We hope this information will be broadly spread in your higher education institutions, so that more European students interested in exchanges with Korean institutions will have fellowship opportunities.

You may find the details of the DUO-Korea 2022 Programme including eligibility, criteria, and application information in the following attachments below;

1.        DUO-Korea 2022 Application Form
2.        DUO-Korea 2022 General Description
3.        DUO-Korea 2022 FAQ

If you have any further questions regarding the attached materials, please contact us at Also, you may find relevant information regarding ASEM-DUO and DUO-Korea Fellowship on our website at

01. DUO-Korea 2022 Application Form
02. DUO-Korea 2022 General Description (English)
03. DUO-Korea 2022 FAQ (English)

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